Greetings, ladies and gentlemen,
This is the official thread of the upcoming elections. Here you can debate the candidates, nominate yourself as one or make unbelievable promises to get you elected. Rules for the elections:
- Every candidate has to be nominated before the date of the elections. The deadline is on 30.12.2015.
- All candidates have to nominate themselves. No one can be elected without applying for the position.
- All candidates have to post a summary of their program, in the case they get elected.
- All candidates have to be residents of the Atlas Federation.
- Lord Chancellor cannot hold another position in the House of Lords upon election.
- Keep it decent, keep it sane.
Without further ado, I hereby nominate myself as the Lord Chancellor for next three months. My program goes followingly:
- I am the host of the regional forums, so I will go searching for promising roleplayers, artists and other remarkable individuals and recruit them personally to help our region and our forums grow.
- With the help of certain players, I will establish the Condotierri, a volunteer raiding force that shall provide a real gameplay experience for the interested. The Condotierri will not be a part of our official defensive military, but rather a strictly organized band of pillagers that shall burn its way through the NGS' communist regions.
- I will cooperate with Trigori, Intul and anyone interested to improve our regional radio and make the transmissions more frequent and more interesting.
- I will host the regional Chess Championship and other potential events.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.